Customers that choose to have a professional armed Conley Group security officer
on-site do so for one reason: they understand the reality of violence in the
world in which we live, and they are firmly committed to protecting themselves
and their employees against a deadly force threat. It is really that simple.
While our armed security officers conduct a wide range of duties at customer
locations the It is natural for people to think they can just call the police if something bad happens or is about to happen. And, that is certainly true. However, it also naïve and can be deadly to believe that law enforcement is always physically capable of being on site in time to actually affect the outcome of an active shooter situation or similar incident. Here’s why: The way law enforcement response works is the agency must first be notified by a party that there is a problem. Once that call is made and the information is taken, a communications operator must then send out an alert to all law enforcement officers who are on duty. Only then do the officers who are on street become aware of the incident or threat. Then, the officers respond to that location as fast as they possibly can and with as many officers as is humanly possible. On average, law enforcement will arrive on scene within a few minutes after the first call is made. While the commitment and courage of our law enforcement public safety partners
is never in question, the reality is there is a natural lag time in police response
because they cannot be everywhere at once. There is simply no tax base that
supports that type of police coverage. At the same time, the reality is that
dynamic events unfold and are often over in seconds, not minutes. This underscores
the old adage that states, “When seconds count the police are only minutes
away.” What this means for organizations in terms of their safety and
security is first, organizational leaders must acknowledge the reality that
adequate protective assets must be on site before an incident occurs.
Not only does having an armed professional Conley Group security officer on-site
either dressed in plain clothes or wearing a traditional uniform give you and
your employees a fighting chance should the Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman, who is a Pulitzer Prize nominated author, Army Ranger, West Point psychology professor, and without a doubt the world’s foremost expert on human aggression, violence and active shooters, provided an interview to PoliceOne.Com in 2010 as part of an article titled “Active shooters in schools: The enemy is denial. As a part of that article, LTC Grossman stated, “Never call an unarmed man ‘security’,” “Call him ‘run-like-hell-when-the-man-with-the-gun-shows-up’ but never call an unarmed man security.” LTC Grossman clearly understands if adequate protective assets (armed security officers) are not on site before an adverse event occurs, the chances of getting law enforcement assets there in time to affect or alter the outcome is a near impossibility. The simple truth is most events will be over by the |