Remote Viewing FAQ


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Remote Viewing FAQ

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Why Remote Viewing?

Simply put, Remote Viewing is a fully-integrated electronic system located at a customer site that provides an operator, working from our Remote Viewing Operations Center (RVOC), with the ability to interact virtually with systems and events that occur at any customer location involving people, property and a wide range of facility systems. Remote Viewing is also known as Security Remote Viewing.

The true beauty and value of the Remote Viewing solution is that it dramatically increases security effectiveness, reduces risk and losses, and mitigates liability exposure while simultaneously saving money. All trends indicate that there will be a shortage of security professionals in the future, and that the cost for the security professionals who will be available will significantly outpace today's expenditure levels. The cost of continuing to use today's approach for future security needs will become financially insupportable. These trends, combined with an ever-increasing need for improved safety and security due to increasing crime rates, mean that a new and sustainable systemic approach to security and risk management is needed. Remote Viewing is not only a highly effective and efficient approach to dealing with security, safety, and risk management challenges, but it also lowers operating costs while meeting increasing service demands.

How does Remote Viewing work?

In the context of security, safety, and risk management, Remote Viewing works by a technical operator monitoring and actively interacting with both critical and routine systems at customer (remote) locations via a highly dependable and secure Internet connection. The Remote Viewing system facilitates the complete integration of all computing, intercom systems, telecommunications, HVAC, visual displays, video cameras, card access, and alarm systems with our RVOC that operates in a multiple screen, virtual desktop environment. It is this comprehensive system configuration and integration that enables the technical operators to use their natural senses to be able to fully interact with customer systems on a virtual basis as though they were physically located everywhere at once at the customer location.

What are the elements of Remote Viewing?

The three elements of the Remote Viewing system are, 1) the technical operator located at our RVOC, 2) the multi-faceted electronic systems installed at a customer locations or facilities, and 3) highly trained, professional security officers who function as both a routine patrol and an emergency response mechani. The matriculation of these three elements is what makes the Remote Viewing system so powerful and effective while also being very budget friendly.

What is the Remote Viewing Operations Center?

The RVOC is located in a secure enclave [structurally reinforced area] and is patterned and designed much like a military area where classified information is analyzed and stored. The RVOC is the operations nerve center and is where the technical operators interact virtually with systems at customer locations, thereby functioning as a command, control, communications and information (C3I) hub.

What are its applications?

Applications are events and functions that can be remotely monitored and controlled by a technical operator via the Remote Viewing system. While the two primary purposes of Remote Viewing are to increase security effectiveness and to save money, there are literally as many applications for Remote Viewing as there are needs that exist. The most common functions that Remote Viewing manages are building security systems, intercom systems, video camera systems, on-site warning and alert systems, card access systems, alarm confirmation (including burglary, hold-up and fire), facility HVAC and related management and control systems, lighting systems and other critical systems monitoring. Remote Viewing also facilitates manual (non-automated) remote operations such as the technical operator remotely allowing building ingress for authorized individuals, perimeter breech identification and interacting with persons who are on-site at any customer location. The numbers and types of Remote Viewing applications, and the related monetary savings the system represents, are literally endless.

Does Remote Viewing really work?

Yes. In fact, in most security applications, Remote Viewing works far better than having an on-site security officer present because the Remote Viewing system allows a technical operator to be, in essence, everywhere at once. Even the best on-site security officer can only be at one place at any given time. And, if a need for physical response arises, the Remote Viewing technical operator can dispatch one or more of our highly trained uniformed security patrol officers to the scene as well as any public safety personnel who may also be needed. Since we have multiple patrol cars on the street at all times, having immediate and effective response available at all times is never a concern. Additionally, all responding security patrol officers can see exactly what the technical operators are seeing through our in-transit visibility system. A technical operator can also keep public safety personnel apprised about what is occurring in real time as they are en route. A security patrol officer can be on-scene nearly immediately and then will depart the premises only when the threat or situation is resolved. The Remote Viewing system, in conjunction with our security patrol service, is like having a highly competent security officer that can be everywhere at once, can respond to problems immediately, all while saving the customer a significant amount of their budget.

Is Remote Viewing secure from an information security standpoint?

Yes. Information security is a critical element of the Remote Viewing platform. Since Remote Viewing functions by receiving and transmitting client data over the Internet, maintaining the strongest security possible of that data is essential. Unlike most systems that utilize the Internet for information transmission and that have either elemental encryption or no protection, the Remote Viewing platform uses the highest level of encryption to ensure the utmost protection and integrity of client data.

If a customer has existing alarms or other security equipment installed in a location, can those systems and signals work with the Remote Viewing system?

In nearly all cases, the answer is yes. In fact, it would be highly unusual for any existing building security system, video camera system, on-site warning and alert system, card access system, facility HVAC and related control systems, or lighting systems to not directly and seamlessly integrate with the Remote Viewing system. Because the Remote Viewing system software is an "open architecture" type of system, and as a result of the dramatic advances in technology, just about any existing electronic security system, building automation system, or any other type of device for that matter, can seamlessly interface with the Remote Viewing system and be effectively managed by the technical operators located at the RVOC. Additionally, the Remote Viewing solution is highly flexible and easily adaptable in case changes need to be made as organizational needs change. This is true whether a change needs to be made at a facility across the globe or at another building across the parking area.

Is it possible for the Remote Viewing system to fail, and what happens if it does?

While a Remote Viewing system is superior and far more reliable than having an on-site security program, there is no system that is 100% flawless at all times. While highly unlikely, the chance of experiencing a temporary outage with any electronic system is always an isolated possibility. The existence of this potential is why having a highly dependable security patrol program is a critical part of the Remote Viewing system. We can also provide trained security officers to work on-site at any customer location until such a time that the issue is resolved and the Remote Viewing program is fully restored.

What happens if an organization is the victim of a disaster and has Remote Viewing?

In addition to the increased level of security and the savings that occur on a day-to-day basis with the Remote Viewing system, perhaps one of the strongest cases for instituting a Remote Viewing solution can be made as it relates to disaster response. Because the Remote Viewing technical operator can fully interact with any customer site, our customers have the best chance for early detection of potential or actual problems. Through early problem identification, the correct response can be initiated without delay. This process provides users with the best chance of disaster mitigation and the fastest recovery possible if a disaster does occur. As was previously mentioned, if there is ever a situation that requires on-site security services on a temporary basis, we can provide those services immediately and remain on-site for whatever period may be needed.

How much does the Remote Viewing system cost?

A customer's investment in the Remote Viewing system depends on many factors that include, but are not limited to, the particular security requirements at a specific location, the risk management situation, and the current electronic security system infrastructure. On average, transitioning from a traditional guard program to a Remote Viewing system can save an average organization about 50% on their annual security budget and dramatically increase the effectiveness of their program at the same time.

How is it possible to save so much money by using the Remote Viewing system?

Vast savings can be achieved by using a combination of cutting-edge technology and highly skilled people that form a system that places the right security assets in the right areas and in the right proportions. While many organizations already use a combination of security personnel and security systems, the Remote Viewing system vastly differs from this model because of the use of a technical operator versus on-site personnel. Additionally, most of the investment in a Remote Viewing solution is capital investment based. Because the Remote Viewing system functions as a canopy of fully-integrated protection, technical operators have simultaneous full domain awareness at all customer locations. The fact is that there is a night and day difference between the Remote Viewing system and a traditional guard watching a camera and monitoring electronic systems.

Does any other company offer Remote Viewing?

No, however beware of imposters. While Remote Viewing is literally a new approach to security and the related budgets, there are other "third party" services that claim to be the same. Monitoring alarms and camera remotely is not new, but the Remote Viewing is new. Remote Viewing uses proven, cutting-edge technology and other systems in combination with each other, to solve the most serious security and risk management challenges now and in the future.

How does Remote Viewing affect an existing on-site physical security program?

By using the Remote Viewing approach, a Remote Viewing system can dramatically reduce and some cases even eliminate the dependence and the high expense of on-site security personnel. Unlike Remote Viewing, no matter how qualified an on-site security officer may be, that officer cannot physically be everywhere at once. Again, the Remote Viewing system technical operators can be everywhere at once. Also, since the Remote Viewing program involves primarily a capital investment, the majority of the program investment in a Remote Viewing solution can be taken as a tax deduction via depreciation. Conversely, there is no depreciation available for the high labor costs that normally constitute the majority of a traditional on-site guard program. The level of an organization's capital investment is dependent on many factors, including the system applications that need to be incorporated in to the Remote Viewing system and the current electronic security system infrastructure of the organization. Even with a capital investment for Remote Viewing, organizations can still save a significant amount of money when compared to using the traditional guard approach. Additionally, any capital investment that may be needed can be purchased outright, leased, or be placed on a "lease to buy" type of program.

Is there any on-site security staff required with a Remote Viewing program?

The answer is it depends on the individual application and customer needs. As a general rule-of-thumb, most organizations that dramatically reduce or replace on-site security personnel with a Remote Viewing solution will also invest in our security patrol program. This patrol program not only serves as a response mechani should something occur, but it also serves as a periodic on-site presence and a routine visual deterrent that reduces the risk of criminal activity. A security patrol program is highly cost-effective and works in conjunction with the Remote Viewing solution to provide the customer with a comprehensive security and risk management solution.

Are Remote Viewing technical operators qualified and trained to successfully conduct Remote Viewing operations?

Yes. All applicants for a technical operator position must pass a thorough background investigation, an in-depth employment assesent, and a battery of other demanding tests to be considered as a valid applicant. Remote Viewing technical operators are hired at or above the caliber of most public safety communications dispatchers and must successfully pass a 50-hour training program before they begin training as a technical operator in the RVOC. Additionally, all technical operators are trained on-site at actual customer locations. This helps ensure that all technical operators are intimately familiar with the nuances of every Remote Viewing customer location. This in-depth familiarity is absolutely critical in helping ensure that technical operators are able to successfully interact with all systems at a customer location from the RVOC since it is as though every technical operator is literally at the customer's site via virtual interaction.

How to get started?

Call us at (515) 277-7437 or toll-free at (800) 383-6813, or send us an e-mail at:

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